Category: My Weapon Is a Melody

solder giving ukulele to child


I’ve been playing this song, over and over, recently. Its lyrics have nothing to do with demanding answers. This song is just about putting everyone in their proper places.

solder giving ukulele to child

Bless the Lord

I’d love to hear thousands of voices singing this praise at the top of their lungs.  Can you imagine?

solder giving ukulele to child


When Jesus was on the cross, there were two thieves on either side of Him.  I’ve heard the story hundreds of times.  Heard plenty of sermons on it, too.  All the sermons and all my thoughts centered on how one of the bad guy thieves got to go to Paradise, in spite of what he’d done.  Nothing wrong with that message but, for some reason, one day as I listened to this song, another perspective jumped up in my face and took my breath away.

solder giving ukulele to child

Raise a Hallelujah

Music is MUCH more than simple entertainment to me … The music I listen to now is always a conversation between God and me, and the music helps me to engage more than just my mind in those talks.
You can always know what’s on my mind. Just listen to the lyrics of what I’m listening to.

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