
As I find new, good books to read, and as readers make suggestions of other good reads, I’ll list them here.


I LOVE to read really good Christian fiction. My favorite genre is Christian fiction. JC Lamont does an AWESOME job! This is the first book in a series that tells the love story of God and His people. The story is told from the perspective of the angels and demons. This first book starts just before the devil and some of the angels rebelled in Heaven, and continues through the story of Job.  And, at the end of the book is an extensive appendix, outlining why she wrote things as she did.  You seriously won’t believe the amount of research she’s done in preparing this series!  Yep.  My favorite fiction author.  Ever.  This book is available in both Kindle and paperback formats.


At the suggestion of friend, I’m reading this book right now. I’m enjoying it. The author, a Gentile woman married a Jewish man back in 1974.  She and her husband didn’t care, but her husband’s parents did.  And then, true to her new in-laws fears, she and her husband became Christians a year later.  She tried to soften the blow for her mother-in-law by learning about the Jewish faith and, as she did, she learned just how very Jewish her (and our) Christian faith actually is.  I haven’t finished this book yet, but I’m enjoying it.


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